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Welcome to jazzseminar.com

jazzseminar.com, an onlineplatform for jazz musicians and jazz friends
gives you informations about the '17th International XXXL Jazz Workshop 2007'
Innsbruck-Tyrol-Austria and other friendly related workshops inEuropa and later on world wide.
Our connection to Harold Battiste

Harold Battiste

From the very beginning the  'International XXXL JAZZ Workshop' Innsbruck -Tyrol - Austria was realized
through mainly voluntier efforts and very reliable supports  of the Cultural Department of the Tyrolian
Government and the City of Innbruck  as well as for a certain period with the support of the former Tyrolian
States Bank Hypo Tirol und many other small Sponsors. From the first day, jazzseminar.com has been an
effort pushed forward by individuals. Please find a list of participants, musicians and others, in the CREDITS

Got a question or comment about jazzseminar.com? Want to get involved? Contact us.

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